Dan Diamond leads the EPC Operations Team to design systems, procure equipment and EPC Balance of System, negotiate and de-risk construction contracts, and manage construction execution of distributed generation and utility-scale PV and BESS Projects. The team shepherds projects over years from early development design to Commercial Operation while enforcing quality, safety, schedule, and budget.
The team is responsible for driving market-competitive pricing in a volatile labor, policy, and tariff-driven market while leveraging best-in-class technology to optimize plant revenue with system performance and reliability.
Mr. Diamond has grown the EPC Operations Team from 2 to 22 professionals alongside the Development and Financing teams as Sol Systems’ has evolved and matured through tax equity financing, investment management, and PV/BESS project development, financing, construction, and asset ownership.
Prior to Sol Systems, Dan managed construction and operations for the 265 MWdc Mount Signal Solar (MSS) utility-scale PV project for AES Solar and supervised a portfolio of distributed generation projects for SunEdison. Prior to his solar energy development career, Dan worked in real estate development with larger retail shopping centers in Atlanta, GA.
Dan holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida, and a M.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from Georgia Tech. He also holds a professional engineering license.